premi alfons de borja 2024
Dr. Sanz with the sculpture (center) | Sponsors, Alumni UdL (board), and vice-rector

Alumni UdL delivers the 2024 Alfons de Borja Award to César Sanz

Messenger RNA to develop drugs, the focus of his conference

On Tuesday, the Vice President of Medical Affairs for Europe, the Middle East, Australia and Canada (EMAC) of the pharmaceutical company Moderna, César Sanz Rodríguez, received the 2024 Alfons de Borja Award granted by  Alumni UdL, the Alumni Association of the University of Lleida. In a conference entitled “El ‘software de la vida’ – cómo transformar el desarrollo de medicamentos”  (The ‘software of life’ – how to transform drug development), the PhD in Medicine from the UdL, whose thesis dealt with molecular biology, spoke about the potential of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) to develop new drugs and vaccines, such as the one they created for COVID-19.

Moderna has been working with this technique for ten years. Sanz explained how mRNA, an information molecule that encodes proteins, cannot be used directly and must be formulated into lipid nanoparticles, of fat. The company is currently developing potential mRNA drugs that it says could help people with cancer or metabolic diseases. One of its projects is to achieve individualized neoantigen therapy, in other words, a personalized vaccine against cancer.

The award ceremony took place in Víctor Siurana Hall, in the Rectorate. The Alfons de Borja Award —sponsored by the University of Lleida, Segre and Banco Santander— consists of the sculpture El conocimiento, created specifically by the Lleida-based Argentine artist Miguel Ángel González, and a watercolour painted by Joaquín Ureña live during the event. This year marks its thirteenth edition.

Sanz, a native of Barbastro, also recalled everything he learned at the UdL Faculty of Medicine, for instance “curiosity to explore new things and always thinking about present and future patients”.

The Alfons de Borja Award recognizes people or institutions whose work has contributed to the human and social development of their community from an economic, political, environmental, cultural or other point of view and whose actions have been governed by the values of equality, justice, rigour and excellence that inspire the University.

The award was delivered on 18 June, at 6 pm, in the Rectorate of the University of Lleida. The award is sponsored by the University of Lleida, Segre and Banco Santander.

[English version. The news is translated from Catalan]


>> Photo gallery and video

Information related to the award winner and the 13th edition of the Alfons de Borja Award

· Resume of the award winner on Linkedin



  • Dia: 18 de juny (dimarts) de 2024
  • Hora: 18 hores
  • Lloc: Edifici del Rectorat de la UdL > Saló Víctor Siurana


Important. Cal confirmar l'assistència a l'enllaç següent: inscripció acte 2024








This award recognises those persons or institutions who, with their work, have contributed to the human and social development of their community in economic, politic, environmental, cultural or other terms, and whose actions have been guided by the values of equality, justice, rigour and excellence that are inspired by the University of Lleida.




The award is named after Alfons de Borja, who was elected Pope as Callitxius III in 1455. He is one of the most distinguished graduates and profesors of the University of Lleida.

Studies and career at the University of Lleida - Estudi General de Lleida (1409 -1423):

  • Student of Law and Theology 
  • Profesor
  • Vice-Chancellor

 In 1424 he resigned his position at the University and dedicated his service to the Aragonese king.


History of the University of Lleida


Corporate Sponsors

 Universitat de Lleida