All Alfons de Borja Prizes

• Mr. Joan Oró i Florensa (2004). Scientist.


Prize motivation: For his successful international career as a scientist and strong commintment to Lleida, Catalonia and democracy.


• M.H. Mr. Jordi Pujol i Soley (2006). The 126th President of the Goverment of Catalonia.


Prize motivation: The University of Lleida was created during his tenure, on the 12th of December 1991.

premivicensferrer 2011
Foto: UdL


• Vicente Ferrer Foundation (2011).

History and mission: - Award Ceremony

Prize Motivation: For the task performed by the Vicente Ferrer Foundation to improve the quality of life of millions of people since 1969.

borja justicia i pau - udl
Foto: UdL


• NGO Justícia i Pau (2012)/NGO Peace and Justice.

History and mission - Award Ceremony

Prize motivation: Due to its campaigns for defending human rights, justice, peace and against poverty and social inequality.

Foto: UdL


• Mr. Antoni Brufau Niubó (2015). President of GlobaLleida and Repsol.

Biography - Award Ceremony - Vídeo de l'acte

Prize Motivation: For his contributions to economic and social growth in the province of Lleida and his support of the University of Lleida.

Foto: UdL


Sr. Saúl Craviotto. Olympic medallist.

Biography - Award Ceremony - Video

Prize Motivation: For his successful international career and strong commintment to Lleida and the University of Lleida.

PremiAlfonsdeBorja2017-entrega escultura
Foto: UdL


Dr. Joan Xavier Comella Carnicé. Director of the Fundació Vall d'Ebron - Institute of Research.

Biografia - Award Ceremony - Video - Premsa

Prize Motivation: For his distinguished career in research, management, and as a university professor. UdL's gradute and PhD.

Foto: UdL


Sra. Núria Carretero Castan. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence Strategy.

Biography - LinkedIn - Award Ceremony - Media

Prize Motivation: For her distinguished international career in IT management and artificial intelligence. Computer Science graduate.

borja amics seu vella
Foto: UdL


• Amics de la Seu Vella de Lleida (2019). NGO. UNESCO World Heritage Candidature.

History and mission - Media

Prize Motivation: For the task performerd to promote the conservation, preservation, interpretation and appreciation of the old Cathedral of Lleida. The hill also hosts the remains of La Suda or King's Castle, military fortifications built from the 14th to the 19th century and other archaeological sites.

SEGRE-1 - copia
Foto: Diari Segre


• Medical Association of Lleida and Nurses Association of Lleida (2020). .

History and mission: Medical A. - Nurses A. - Award Ceremony - Media

Prize Motivation: A tribute to frontline coronavirus warriors during the COVID-19 pandemic


L'edició 2021 es va cancelar per la COVID-19.


L'any 2021 va tenir lloc l'acte d'entrega del guardó als col·legis oficials premiats a l'edició 2020, que havia estat posposat per les restriccions per a la prevenció dela COVID-19.


Premi A Borja 2022 - Lliurament guardó-2 El rector de la UdL i el president d'Alumni UdL amb el premiat que subjecta el guardó

Dr. Marc Palahí Lozano. Circular bioeconomy and forests.

Biography  - Media:  Lleida TV -Media: Diari Segre

Prize motivation: For his distinguished international career on forests and global change. His work focuses on the development of a sustainable circular bioeconomy. Director of the European Forest Institute, and Chair of The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance. UdL's graduate.







Sr. Sergio Callen Giménez. Enginyeria industrial, mobilitat i transport per ferrocarril.

BiografiaReportatge Lleida TV -Diari Segre [pendent acte]

Justificació: el Jurat ha justificat el lliurament del guardó a Sergio Callen, enginyer industrial de l'EPS (2004), per la seua vinculació amb la Universitat de Lleida, i especialment amb l’Escola Politècnica Superior, a més de la seva distingida carrera professional nacional i internacional en la gestió i implantació de solucions eficients i sostenibles en l’àmbit del transport públic. Actualment  és el vicepresident d’operacions de la Costa Oest a l’empresa SYSTRA-USA, una multinacional especialitzada en el disseny, planificació, construcció i gestió d’infraestructures de transport públic amb oficines i contractes en diferents països americans, asiàtics, europeus i d’Oceania.

>>> L'acte de lliurament està previst per al dia 13 de juny de 2023, a les 18.30 h,

a l'Edifici del Rectorat de la UdL<<<






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Dr. César Sanz Rodríguez. PhD Medicine, oncology, vaccines, drug industry, international career.

News UdL- LinkedIn - Photo Gallery - Vídeo UdL - Interviews Lleida TV - News - Segre

Justificació: el jurat ha valorat la vinculació de Sanz amb la Universitat de Lleida, i especialment amb la Facultat de Medicina, a més de la seua "distingida carrera professional nacional i internacional en la recerca mèdica, l'assistència hospitalària i la direcció i la gestió sanitària i empresarial". actualment, és el vicepresident d’Assumptes Mèdics a Europa, Orient Mitjà, Austràlia i Canadà (EMAC) de Moderna, una empresa farmacèutica multinacional que es va fer coneguda per la vacuna (ARNm) de la COVID-19.


Convocatòria oberta: presenta el teu candidat/a al Premi Alfons de Borja 2025.


OBJECTE El guardó reconeix les persones o institucions que amb el seu treball han contribuït al desenvolupament humà i social de la seua comunitat des de qualsevol punt de vista (econòmic, polític, mediambiental, cultural, etc.) i que s'han regit, en les seues actuacions, pels valors d'igualtat, justícia, rigor i excel·lència que inspiren la universitat.

El guardonat (centre amb l'escultura) acompanyat dels patrocinadors, autoritats de la UdL i Junta d'Alumni UdL

Alumni UdL delivers the 2024 Alfons de Borja Award to César Sanz

Messenger RNA to develop drugs, the focus of his conference

On Tuesday, the Vice President of Medical Affairs for Europe, the Middle East, Australia and Canada (EMAC) of the pharmaceutical company Moderna, César Sanz Rodríguez, received the 2024 Alfons de Borja Award granted by  Alumni UdL, the Alumni Association of the University of Lleida. In a conference entitled “El ‘software de la vida’ – cómo transformar el desarrollo de medicamentos”  (The ‘software of life’ – how to transform drug development), the PhD in Medicine from the UdL, whose thesis dealt with molecular biology, spoke about the potential of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) to develop new drugs and vaccines, such as the one they created for COVID-19.

Moderna has been working with this technique for ten years. Sanz explained how mRNA, an information molecule that encodes proteins, cannot be used directly and must be formulated into lipid nanoparticles, of fat. The company is currently developing potential mRNA drugs that it says could help people with cancer or metabolic diseases. One of its projects is to achieve individualized neoantigen therapy, in other words, a personalized vaccine against cancer.

The award ceremony took place in Víctor Siurana Hall, in the Rectorate. The Alfons de Borja Award —sponsored by the University of Lleida, Segre and Banco Santander— consists of the sculpture El conocimiento, created specifically by the Lleida-based Argentine artist Miguel Ángel González, and a watercolour painted by Joaquín Ureña live during the event. This year marks its thirteenth edition.

Sanz, a native of Barbastro, also recalled everything he learned at the UdL Faculty of Medicine, for instance “curiosity to explore new things and always thinking about present and future patients”.

The Alfons de Borja Award recognizes people or institutions whose work has contributed to the human and social development of their community from an economic, political, environmental, cultural or other point of view and whose actions have been governed by the values of equality, justice, rigour and excellence that inspire the University.

The award was delivered on 18 June, at 6 pm, in the Rectorate of the University of Lleida. The award is sponsored by the University of Lleida, Segre and Banco Santander.

[English version. The news is translated from Catalan]

Information related to the award winner and the 13th edition of the Alfons de Borja Award

· Resume of the award winner on Linkedin


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 Universitat de Lleida