Governnace: Assembly, Board of Managers and Staff
Sets the direction and goals for the Alumni UdL Assembly delegation and the association at large
The Executive Board is the governing body that regulates, administers and represents the Association. This leadership body body is made up of the president, the vice president, the secretary, the treasurer, and a maximum of nine members elected by the General Assembly.
Board member terms are four years in length, and board members can serve two four-year terms.
Get involve. Contact the Board:
Please, contact the Executive Board for any proposal to improve Alumni UdL:
- E-mail:
- Telephone: 973 70 23 56.
- In person: office 3.57 of the Rectorate Campus.

- Mr. Josep Maria Sentís Suñé. President.
- Law '98.
- Alma mater: Facultat de Dret, Economia i Turisme
- Contact:

- Mr. Jordi Peña Lueza. Vice president.
- Medicine '18.
- Alma mater: Facultat de Medicina
- Contact:

- Ms. Marina Rúbies Ballarín. Secretary.
- Journalism '19
- Alma mater: Facultat de Lletres
- Contact:

- Ms. Alba Lamas Prieto. Treasurer.
- Computer Science '18.
- Alma mater: Escola Politècnica Superior
- Contact:

- Mr. Víctor Falguera Pascual.
- Agriculture and Food Science (PhD) '13.
- Alma mater: Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agrària
- Contact:

- Marc Farran Marín, vocal.
- Titulació: Grau de Turisme (2014)
- Centre de la UdL: Facultat de Dret, Economia i Turisme
- Contacte:

- Daniel Gutiérrez Ujaque, vocal.
- Titulació: Graduat en Educació Primària (2015). Doctor en Educació, Societat i Qualitat de Vida (2020)
- Centre de la UdL: Facultat d'Educació, Psicologia i Treball Social
- Contacte:

- Mr. Oscar Fernandez Sanchez.
- Journalism and Audiovisual Communication '07.
- Alma mater: Faculty of Arts
- Contact:

- Ms. Faty Bocar Awa Seck
- Nursing '20
- Alma mater:: Facultat d'Infermeria i Fisioteràpia
- Contact:
The General Assembly is the Association’s sovereign body and its members form part of it in their own inalienable right and with absolute equality. Each member of the Association has one vote. Under no circumstance may the vote be delegated to another person, even if they are a member of the Association.
The General Assembly meets in an ordinary session at least once a year, within the six months following the date of closing the financial year, in order to approve, if appropriate, the management of the governing body, the budget and the annual accounts.
The governing body can convene the General Assembly in an extraordinary session whenever it considers this to be convenient, and must do so when requested by 10% of the members. In this latter case, the Assembly must take place within a period of 30 days starting from the date of the request.
Alumni Relaions Office Director
- Assists the Executive Board in strengthening the university’s ties with alumni.
- Responsable for overall administration of the Alumni Relations Office.
- Coordinates all the Exectuive Board activities and working with all UdL services and faculties.
- Reviews financial statements and makes recommendations to the Board regarding the Association’s fiscal operations, including investments and its annual budgets.
- Oversees all alumni programmes.
- Develops and implements membership services for alums.
- Maintains alumni information in a database.
- Attend to the members of Alumni UdL
- Mr. Xavier Solé Gasset
- Office: Campus de Rectorat, despatx 3.57.1
- Telephone: +34 973 70 23 56
- Email: